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This is when the eyelid is everted and the conjunctiva or inner lining of the lid is exposed and becomes red and irritated. Additionally exposure of the cornea causes sensitivity and may result in eye redness and ulceration of the cornea. Its a good idea to have your eyelids assessed for imbalance and corrective procedures are available to improve the situation.
Eversion of the lower lid
Fast Facts
What can I expect?
Lid Laxity from ageing is the commonest cause. Previous eyelid surgery and Bell's palsy also result in eyelid imbalance.
Surgical correction is performed under conscious sedation and local anaesthesia during day surgery.
Medical Scheme
Medical schemes may cover the cost of a corrective surgery with the necessary motivation.
The upper and lower eyelids are finely balanced to stay in a position that hugs the globe or eye. When this balance is affected by ageing laxity, previous eyelid surgery or trauma then the lids can evert or invert. Entropion is inversion of the lids where the eyelashes touch and irritate the eye/cornea causing redness, itching and eventually resulting in corneal ulceration.
Should you experience having to constantly pull your eyelid skin in order to place the lashes back to normal after closing and opening the eyelids, then you may have entropion.
Sometimes a corrective surgery is required to set the balance of the lids such that the lashes are pointing in the correct direction.
Inturning of the lower lid
Fast Facts
What can I expect?
Inform our staff if you taking any blood thinning medication.
Entropion surgery is performed under conscious sedation and local anaesthesia as day surgery.
Medical Scheme
Medical schemes may cover the cost of the surgery with appropriate motivation.
You may not be able to wear your glasses for a few days after surgery.
Will it affect Vision?
Eyelid surgery does not affect your vision acuity but may temporarily affect sharpness due to changes in the tearfilm.
Postoperatively, bruising and swelling may take 2-3 weeks to subside. This can vary between patients.