Patient Information
and Medical Questionnaire
Patient Information
and Medical Questionnaire
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Patient Information
and Medical Questionaire
Patient Information
and Medical Questionaire
George Surgical Centre in George, 44 CJ Langenhoven Road.
Office hours :
Monday – Thursday 08:00 am -16:30 pm
Friday 08:00 am – 13:00 pm
Scheduling an Appointment:
Call us during office hours on 044-873-2228
International dial code +27(0)44 873-2228
Email us at
Virtual Consultations are primarily used to facilitate patients abroad or outside of George, Garden Route, South Africa, where our practice is based. Kindly arrive at least 15 minutes before your first appointment to complete the necessary patient information questionnaire. Bring with you your identification green book / or smart ID and medical Aid card.
A text message reminder (sms) for your time and date to come in, will be sent 24 hours prior to your appointment.
Post-Operative appointments are scheduled on the day following your surgery.
It is important and part of our mission to respect your privacy. Staff at the practice appreciate that every visit to our rooms is personal and will treat you and the reason for your visit with respect, sensitivity, and the privacy you warrant. Every patient that comes through our doors is important to us and we want your journey with this practice to be a comfortable one that meets and exceeds your expectation, irrespective of the treatment.
Day surgical cases are performed at the George Surgical Centre. You will be discharged the same day. It is important to have somebody drive you to and from the hospital after your procedure. Whilst for most smaller procedures under conscious sedation and local anaesthesia you will be well enough to move around freely the next morning; for a slightly longer procedure (eg. tummy tuck or facelift) it is advisable to arrange for someone to take care of you for at least 2 days after the surgery.
We endeavor to make your experience as comfortable and as pleasant as possible from start to finish. We will assist Patients from outside George, and those needing medical attention for a day or two post-surgery; depending on the procedure performed.
Payment Policies
Life happens and sometimes beyond our control, it becomes necessary to cancel or postpone a procedure. In the event of this being necessary, as much prior notice as possible will help us plan how best to assist you going forward with a new date and time. Should a deposit have been paid, this will be refunded less any administrative costs and bank charges incurred.
Dr Patel is a designated Service Provider of Discovery Medical Health Scheme only. Above RPL (Reference Price List) rates will be charged for all other medical schemes. Any request for payment arrangements different to those set out, must be discussed prior to being consulted/ seen to, or treated.
Consultation fees are payable by credit or debit card on the day of service. Claims to Medical Schemes will be done by you.
Cosmetic Procedures are payable upfront in full, prior to the day of surgery.
Any additional investigations or services such as X-ray, Ultrasound, blood tests etc.. that may be required, at Dr Patel’s discretion during treatment, will be billed retrospectively by the service provider.
Consultation fees and any procedural consumables, such as a punch biopsy taken during consultation for pathology, are payable by credit/ debit card, or cash on the day of service.
There will be no charge for routine follow-up appointments. However, any consumables used during these sessions, will be billed accordingly.
Please note, we do not accept American Express.
We try avoid handling cash at our office, hence payment by credit card or EFT are preferred methods of payment.
EFT’s (Electronic Funds Transfer) by arrangement and with proof of payment to are accepted prior to the consultation.
Virtual Consultations are paid upfront via EFT, to secure an online appointment. Proof of payment must be sent to
Surgeon’s fee
Anaesthetist’s fee
Clinic / Operating theatre facility fees
Additional items such garments, implants etc.
Quotes are valid for 3 months from date of issue.
A 10% deposit is needed to secure your surgery date. Full payment of the balance of total amount, with proof of payment, is required at least 7 days prior to your surgery date.
For planned in-hospital procedures, we will obtain the necessary authorisation from your medical aid on your behalf. A cost estimate with which you can contact your medical aid regarding any shortfall you may be liable for, will be provided to you, before surgery. Note that an authorisation from your medical aid stating 100% payment for a procedure does not necessarily mean that the surgical fee is fully covered.
In the event of a different / additional procedure being necessary during surgery; different to that on the quotation provided prior surgery, we will amend your procedure claim and request retrospective authorisation from the Medical Aid on your behalf. This may however result in an additional shortfall being incurred.
Not all procedures require hospital admission and can be done at the rooms. An estimate quote will be provided, prior to your procedure. The cost for procedures done in-rooms are payable at the time of service or before.
It is important to note that, despite follow-up consultation not being charged for, if a complication or new medical condition arises during this time, treatment will be charged accordingly.
Claims to medical schemes will have to be submitted by you for reimbursement as per condition set for your choice of plan
Non-surgical procedures, such as botulinum (Anti-wrinkle) injections, are done In-rooms and these are paid for on the day of service.
A quote for cosmetic surgery will be given to you prior to scheduling a day and time for your procedure. Insurance will be included in this quotation, which will provide cover for you, in the event you must be taken into theatre for a post operative complication, that although rare, may occur.
Your procedure must be paid in full at least 7 working days prior to the day of surgery.
Dr Patel’s practice is contracted into and is a Designated Service Provider for Discovery Health Medical Scheme Plans only. Patients on any other Medical Aid scheme are charged above Reference Price List (RPL) rates. A cost estimate with which you can contact your medical aid regarding any shortfall you may be liable for, will be provided to you, before surgery. Note that an authorisation from your medical aid stating 100% payment for a procedure does not necessarily mean that the surgical fee is fully covered.
In the event of a different / additional procedure being necessary during surgery; different to that on the quotation provided prior surgery, we will amend your procedure claim and request retrospective authorisation from the Medical Aid on your behalf. This may however result in an additional shortfall being incurred.
Any request for payment arrangements different to those set out, must be discussed prior to being consulted/ seen to, or treated.
Complications can occur with any surgery, and cosmetic or plastic surgery is no exception. The possibility of a complication with any procedure is rare but can and does happen. In the likelihood that a complication occurs, and further surgery is required, there will be no surgical fee charged by Dr Patel. Anaesthetist and hospital fees in this regard, will be charged accordingly. The insurance amount secured for your procedure will in the majority of post operative events cover you in the event of a return to theatre. This is based on a once-off occurrence within an 18 month period.